Saturday, December 26, 2015

Saturday- Threshold Mixed
10 min Aerobic warm up
For time @ 90%, 7:49, 9:55
Push Press 115#
CTB Pull Ups
Cal Air Bike
rest 90 sec
For time: 12:42, 11:55
Cal Row
Wall Ball, 30#
Box Jumps, 24”
rest 5 min
x 2

On the second round through i rested too long had 5 minutes in my head between the 2 and didn't realize it till about 3:00 into the rest that i had waited too long


Monday-  OH Prep + FSq/Press Chains + Mixed Aerobic
Over Head Prep Routine-
Lacrosse ball on Pec 2 min/side
Lacrosse ball on lat and under armpit 2 min/side
20 min EMOM : 4 + Bike + HS Walk - COMPLETE
1st- 5 Front Squats @ 65% AFAP
2nd- 5 Incline Bench Press @ 45% + Chains
30 min easy effort
100m Sled Walk
50’ HS Walk
50’ Front Rack Walk, 185#
15 HR Push Ups
20 Alt Step Ups
15 Cal Row

Tuesday- Aerobic Warm Up + LE Intervals IWT
10 min Aerobic General Warm Up
10-15 min Specific movement warm up
Row 20 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min x 4
For time @ 97% - 3:00
20 Unbroken Power Clean to OH, 115#
15 Bar-Facing Burpees
10 Cal Air Bike
rest 8 min
For time @ 97% - 2:25
10 Hang Squat Clean to Thruster, 115#
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 20”
20 Cal Row
10 min Aerobic Cyclical Cool Down of choice

Wednesday- CP Squat/Press Int + Tester + Z2-3 Row
A1. Back Squat- 3 x 3 reps, rest 60 sec **not 3RM - 365, 365, 365
A2. Kneeling BB Press @ 20X2, 3 x 5 reps, rest 2 min 115, 115, 115
Open Workout - 10 Rounds + 5 Cleans, 305 Reps
20 min AMRAP
5 Power Cleans, 155#
10 Toes to Bar
15 Wall Ball, 20#

Did all cleans in singles, Went unbroken on toes to bar and Wall Ball, not sure if that was smart but i felt good and wanted to see how i would do.

Had to move some stuff to the gym friday so wasn't able to workout then. On Saturday, all I had time for was to workout with our comp team. I put that in just to let you know what i did

Friday- Aer/OH warm up + Shoulder to OH + Clean + Oly/Gym EMOM Varied + OH Stability/Acces
Over Head Prep Routine-
Lacrosse ball on Pec 2 min/side
Lacrosse ball on lat and under armpit 2 min/side
Warm Up
3 rounds not for time:
10 Below Knee Hang Power Snatch, 45#
50 Double Unders
A. Jerk Recovery @ 100-105%, 3 x 2 reps, rest 90 sec
B. 2 Thrusters + Front Squat + Split Jerk, build to tough complex in 12 min
16 min EMOM
1st- 5 TnG Squat Cleans, 155#
2nd- AMRAP Strict HSPU’s into AMRAP kipping
3 rounds
10 DB Presses, moderate
90 sec High Knee Jump Rope
Turkish Get Ups - 2/min for 10 min **alternate arms/min- 5 sets/arm

Saturday- Threshold Mixed
10 min Aerobic warm up
For time @ 90%
Power Snatch, 75#
Wall Ball, 30#
CTB Pull Ups
rest 90 sec
For time:
Row 500m
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs
20 Toes to Bar
20 Thrusters, 75#
rest 5 min
x 2

Here is what I did with the comp team.
8 Minutes: 3 + 18, 4
10 Snatch, 75
10 Thursters
10 Burpees over bar
Rest 4:00
12 Minutes
Row 250
50 Double Unders
100' Bear Crawl
Rest 4:00
x 2


Monday-  OH Prep + FSq/Press Chains + Mixed Aerobic
Over Head Prep Routine-
Lacrosse ball on Pec 2 min/side
Lacrosse ball on lat and under armpit 2 min/side
20 min EMOM
1st- 5 Front Squats @ 60% AFAP
2nd- 5 Incline Bench Press @ 40% + Chains
30 min easy effort, 4 + Bike + HS Walk
100m Sled Walk, Subbed Bike :60
50’ HS Walk
30 sec Table Hold
20 Banded Tricep Press Downs
50’ Walking Lunges
15 Cal Row

Tuesday- Aerobic Warm Up + LE Intervals IWT
10 min Aerobic General Warm Up
10-15 min Specific movement warm up
Row 20 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min x 4
Cals - 11, 11, 12, 12
For time @ 97%, 3:11
15 Unbroken Power Snatch, 95#
12 Unbroken Power Snatch, 115#
9 Bar-Facing Burpees
6 Unbroken Power Snatch, 135#
**set up 3 different bars
rest 8 min
For time @ 97% 4:37
15 Unbroken Power Cleans, 135#
12 Unbroken Power Cleans, 155#
9 Bar-Facing Burpees
6 Unbroken Power Cleans, 175#
**set up 3 different bars
10 min Aerobic Cyclical Cool Down of choice

Wednesday- CP Squat/Press Int + Tester + Z2-3 Row
A1. Back Squat- 3 x 3 reps, rest 60 sec **not 3RM
A2. Kneeling BB Press @ 20X2, 3 x 5 reps, rest 2 min
Didn't have time to get to this
Open Workout, got to 12 muscle ups, which ties my PR, i don't know if I was tired from everything going on or what. I felt great most of the way aerobically. i got to the rings with about 2 minutes left. i felt fatigued in my core and just could not string MU's together
14 min AMRAP
60 Cal Row
50 Toes to Bar
40 Wall Ball, 20#
30 Power Cleans, 135#
20 Muscle Ups

Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday- Aer/OH warm up + Shoulder to OH + Clean + Oly/Gym EMOM Varied + OH Stability/Acces
Over Head Prep Routine-
Lacrosse ball on Pec 2 min/side
Lacrosse ball on lat and under armpit 2 min/side
Warm Up
3 rounds not for time:
10 Below Knee Hang Power Snatch, 45#
50 Double Unders
A. Front Squat + Split Jerk, build to tough complex in 12 min
- 245 still not making progress. I wondering if more time with the bar on my shoulders would help. I feel like the longer it stays on there it just wears me down. i just don't feel comfortable with it. I can grab a bar and go snatch or clean and dive under it no problem any day any time. I don't feel like that with the jerk.
B. Clean, 1RM
- 300, did that for a double 2 weeks ago, go figure
9-7-5 - 3:45 PR, unbroken the whole way.
Muscle Ups
Front Squats, 225#
unbroken the whole way. i for it on video. Some of my lockouts were borderline but still good. need to do a better job of stringing my kip together when i get tired

Double Bottoms Up KB 90/90 Carry- 3 x 50’
Lying over bench DB Over Head Pull Overs- 3 x 10-15 reps, rest as needed
50x15, 55x12, 55x12

Saturday- LP + IWT + Aerobic
Assault Bike- 60 sec Max Effort- record Cals, avg Wattage
- 26 PR
For time: 10:42 (7:16 mile)
Run 1 mile (record mile time)
30 Snatches, 135#
10 min Bike cool down @ Z1-Z2 off feel


Monday-  OH Prep + Snatch CP + Snatch Battery + MU/HSPU capacity + Accessory
Over Head Prep Routine-
Lacrosse ball on Pec 2 min/side
Lacrosse ball on lat and under armpit 2 min/side
A. 1 Pressing Snatch Balance + 3 Snatch Balance, 1 complex/min for 8 min
B. Power Snatch, tough single
For time; 17:58
20 Muscle Ups - 2:20 - 9,7,5
40 HSPU’s - 5:55 - 10,10,10, 4, 4, 2
60 Toes to Bar - 11:22 - 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1
80 Burpees to 6” target
3 rounds not for time: COMPLETE
5 KB Arm Bar/arm 53#
5 Inverted to Hang on Rings w/ false grip as controlled as possible
10 Banded Face Pulls

Tuesday- Aerobic Warm Up + LE Intervals IWT
10 min Aerobic General Warm Up
10-15 min Specific movement warm up
Row 500m for time: 1:30.0 PR
rest 10-20 min
Air Bike 10 min Test- record Cals, Watts, avg HR, max HR
10 min Aerobic Cyclical Cool Down of choice

Wednesday- CP Squat/Press + MAP Low Vol Low %
A1. Back Squat- 4 x 1 reps, rest 60 sec **not 1RM
A2. Bench Press @ 20X1, 4 x 1 reps, rest 2 min **1RM if feeling good
Open Workout
14 min AMRAP
60 Cal Row
50 Toes to Bar
40 Wall Ball, 20#
30 Power Cleans, 135#
20 Muscle Ups

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Friday- Aer/OH warm up + Shoulder to OH + Clean + Oly/Gym EMOM Varied + OH Stability/Acces
Over Head Prep Routine-
Lacrosse ball on Pec 2 min/side
Lacrosse ball on lat and under armpit 2 min/side
Warm Up
4 rounds not for time:
Run 400m
20 Alt Shoulder Taps, wall facing, tight core
A. 2 Front Squat + Split Jerk, build to tough complex in 12 min
B. Clean Cluster, 5 x 1.1, rest 15 sec w/ reps, 3 min b/w sets
- 285, 300x1
3 rounds for time: 11:40, everything unbroken
10 OH Walking Lunges, 165#
Row 500m
7 Muscle Ups
Double Bottoms Up KB 90/90 Carry- 3 x 50’
- Completed
Lying over bench DB Over Head Pull Overs- 3 x 10-15 reps, rest as needed
- Completed

Saturday- LP + IWT + Aerobic
Assault Bike- 20 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2:20 x 3
2 sets @ same pace as last week
Run 800m (there was a parade going down our running route so i bike 3:00 instead
10 TnG Squat Snatch, 125#

rest 3 min
2 sets @ high consistent effort - 4:25, 4:20
Row 1000m @ 30 min TT pace -4 sec
12 Front Squats, 185#
rest 3 min
10 min Bike cool down @ Z1-Z2 off feel


Monday-  OH Prep + Snatch CP + Snatch Battery + MU/HSPU capacity + Accessory
Over Head Prep Routine-
Lacrosse ball on Pec 2 min/side
Lacrosse ball on lat and under armpit 2 min/side
A. 2 Pressing Snatch Balance + 2 Snatch Balance, 1 complex/min for 8 min
- 75
B. Power Snatch, 5 x 3 tough reps, rest 2 min
- 195
10 min EMOM
1st- 6 Muscle Ups
2nd- 6 Strict Deficit HSPU’s - 5 HSPU, but this was the first time I was able to compete it, shoulder felt great to day, still no deficit though
8 x 8 DB Shoulder Press, rest 45 sec **must keep it unbroken for 8 reps
3 rounds not for time: COMPLETED
5 KB Arm Bar/arm 53#
5 Inverted to Hang on Rings w/ false grip as controlled as possible
10 Banded Face Pulls

Tuesday- Aerobic Warm Up + LE Intervals IWT
10 min Aerobic General Warm Up
10-15 min Specific movement warm up
3 sets @ 97%
Row 250m - :44.0, :44.3, 44:6
rest 5 min b/w sets
3 sets @ 97%
Air Bike 60 sec - 20, 21, 21
rest 5 min b/w sets
10 min Aerobic Cyclical Cool Down of choice

Wednesday- CP Squat/Press + MAP Low Vol Low %
A1. 1 & ¼ Back Squat- 4 x 2 reps, rest 60 sec
A2. Incline Bench Press w/ Chains @ 20X1, 4 x 2 reps, rest 2 min
10 min @ 70-80% - 3 + 17 WB
3 Muscle Ups
6 CTB Pull Ups
9 Ring Dips
12 Toes to Bar
25 Wall Ball, 20#
Run 200m
rest 5 min
10 min @ 70-80% - 3
75 Double Unders
15 Dead Lifts, 135#
15 Box Jumps, 30” step down