Monday, June 5, 2017

2018 Offseason Program Week 2
12 min EMOM
min 1-Row 200/150m
min 2-60’HS walk (30 down/30 back)
min 3-Ski 200/150m
min 4-2 legless rope climbs
Oly (perfect technique)
Hang snatch (below knee)+snatch-4 sets-70-75% - 175
Snatch pulls-3×3-110% - 275
Jerk-4×2-70-75% - 215-225
Hang power clean (below knee)+power clean-4 sets-70-75%, 215-225
Strength (use 90% of your 1RM to calculate percentages)
Back squat-65%x5, 75%x5, 85%-5×5, - 235, 275, 325
Shoulder press-65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5, 65%xAMRAP - 95, 110, 130, 95x17
Gymnastics holds (wear vest)-get farther than last week
5 sec on, 5 sec off, 10 on, 10 off…until failure
Ring support - 11/25 (-:04)
Deep ring support - 10/25(next round + :10)
Bar hang - 29/45 (next round +:29)
30 min mobility
12 min EMOM
Min 1-15/10 cal bike
Min 2-15 CTB (or stop at 30 sec)
Min 3-10 bar facing burpees
Min 4-15 strict hspu (or stop at 30 sec)
Gymnastics max
1 max set CTB pullups
CrossFit workout/conditioning
For time
100 double unders
50 wall balls (20/14)
50 ttb
50 wall balls
50 hspu (hands in box)
100 double unders
Accessory work (moderate weight)
Rear elevated split squat (dbs)-2×8/leg-heavier than last week
PVC pipe+red bands lat pulldown-125 reps
Single leg reverse hyper-2×15/leg-heavier than last week
DB curls-2×20/arm
30 min mobility
8x200m at goal 1 mile pace with 1 min easy job between
30 min row or bike-HR 130-150
30 min mobility
12 min EMOM
min 1-Run 200m
min 2-7 ring muscle ups (or stop at 30 sec)
min 3-20 wall balls (30/20)
min 4-20 kipping hspu (or stop at 30 sec)
Hang Snatch (above knee)-3×3-70-75%
Push jerk-3×3-70-75%
Hang Clean-3×3-70-75%
Snatch balance-3×3-moderate (speed)
Deadlift-65%x5, 75%x5, 85%-3×5
Close grip bench press-65%x5, 75%x5, 85%-5×5
Front squat-3×5-75%
Gymnastics holds-wear vest-get farther than last week
5 sec on, 5 off, 10 on, 10 off…until failure
HS hold
L-sit hold
False grip hold
30 min mobility
12 min EMOM
min 1-15/10 cal bike
min 2-15 ttb (or stop at 30 sec)
min 3-8 burpee box jump overs
min 4-2 rope climbs
Gymnastics max set
1 max set ring muscle ups
3 sets for time
20/15 cal bike
50 double unders
10 thrusters (115/75)
Rest 2 mins
Accessory work
120 walking lunges (with vest)
Single arm db high pull-2×8/arm-heavier than last week
Bent over row-2×8/arm-heavier than last week
500m farmers carry
2×1 min weighted plank, rest 1 min-heavier than last week
30 min moblity
30 min mobility