Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Had a busy week this week, head was kind of in other places. I overlooked the Assault bike on Saturday, and the DB Shoulder Press, ill try to make those up. Shoulder seems to get better through the middle of the week. The Snatch Grip Push Press REALLY Flares it up, but it does feel like it is getting better, so thats encouraging, its not lingering on through the week like it was. Next week will be better

Friday- Aer/OH warm up + Shoulder to OH + Clean + Oly/Gym EMOM Varied + OH Stability/Acces
Over Head Prep Routine-
Lacrosse ball on Pec 2 min/side
Lacrosse ball on lat and under armpit 2 min/side
Warm Up
4 rounds not for time:
Run 400m
15 Moder/light DB Push Press
A. 2 Front Squat + Split Jerk, build to tough complex in 12 min
- 235, felt bad, but Ive moved my grip out some and that seems to help
B. Clean Cluster, 5 x 1.1, rest 15 sec w/ reps, 3 min b/w sets
- 245, 265, 285, 290, 300
16 min EMOM
1st- 10 Steps OH Walking Lunges, 135#- jerk width grip
2nd- 5 Unbroken Muscle Ups
Double KB OH Carry- 3 x 50’
Lying DB Tricep Extensions- 3 x 15-20 reps, rest as needed
20#, 20,20,16

Saturday- LP + IWT + Aerobic
Assault Bike- 17 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2:43 x 5
2 sets @ high consistent effort
10 TnG Squat Cleans, 155# - 4:50's each time
Run 800m
rest 3 min
4:50, 4:45
2 sets @ high consistent effort
12 Power Snatch, 95#
Row 1000m @ 30 min TT pace
rest 3 min
5:05, 5:04
10 min Bike cool down @ Z1-Z2 off feel


Monday-  OH Prep + Snatch CP + Snatch Battery + MU/HSPU capacity + Accessory
Over Head Prep Routine-
Lacrosse ball on Pec 2 min/side
Lacrosse ball on lat and under armpit 2 min/side
A. 2 Snatch Push Press + Hang Snatch from Below Knee + Snatch, build to tough complex in 12 min
- 17, shoulder was having a really bad day
B. Power Snatch, 5 x 7 tough reps, rest 2 min
- 115, 125, 145, 155, 165
10 min EMOM
1st- 4 Muscle Ups
2nd- 5 Strict Deficit HSPU’s
- could not complete, shoulder felt that bad.
6 x 8 DB Shoulder Press, rest 45 sec **must keep it unbroken for 8 reps
3 rounds not for time: COMPLED
5 KB Arm Bar/arm 53#
5 Inverted to Hang on Rings w/ false grip as controlled as possible
10 Banded Face Pulls

Tuesday- Aerobic Warm Up + LE Intervals IWT
10 min Aerobic General Warm Up
10-15 min Specific movement warm up
3 sets @ 97%
10 TnG Power Cleans @ 185#
Row 200m
rest 5 min b/w sets
1:08, 1:07, 106
3 sets @ 97%
10 TnG Power Snatch @ 115#
Air Bike 60 sec
rest 5 min b/w sets
10 min Aerobic Cyclical Cool Down of choice

Wednesday- CP Squat/Press + MAP Low Vol Low %
A1. 1 & ¼ Back Squat- 4 x 5 reps, rest 60 sec
- 275
A2. Incline Bench Press w/ Chains @ 20X1, 4 x 5 reps, rest 2 min
125 + 40# chains
10 min @ 70-80% - 3 Rounds + 30 Double Unders
75 Double Unders
12 CTB Pull Ups
15 Burpees to 8” target
rest 5 min
10 min @ 70-80% - 3 Rounds + Box + T2B, + MU
20 Box Jumps, 20” rebound- breathe on top
12 Toes to Bar
4 Bar Muscle Ups
7 Ring Dips

Monday, November 16, 2015

Friday- Aer/OH warm up + Shoulder to OH + Clean + Oly/Gym EMOM Varied + OH Stability/Acces
Over Head Prep Routine-
Lacrosse ball on Pec 2 min/side
Lacrosse ball on lat and under armpit 2 min/side
Warm Up
4 rounds not for time:
Run 400m
50’ HS Walk
A. Front Squat + Push Jerk + Split Jerk, build to tough complex in 12 min 
- 235
B. Clean Cluster, 4 x 1.1.1, rest 15 sec w/ reps, 3 min b/w sets 
- 225, 245, 265, 280
1st- 10 Steps OH Walking Lunges, 115#- jerk width grip
2nd- 4 Unbroken Muscle Ups
Turkish Get Ups- 3 x 3 tough reps/side, rest as needed
Lying DB Tricep Extensions- 3 x 15-20 reps, rest as needed
- 20's x 16 each time

Saturday- LP + IWT + Aerobic
Assault Bike- 15 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2:45 x 5
2 sets @ high consistent effort
10 Thrusters, 165#
Run 800m
rest 3 min
2 sets @ high consistent effort
12 Alt DB Snatches, 70#
Row 1000m @ 30 min TT pace
rest 3 min
10 min Bike cool down @ Z1-Z2 off feel


Monday-  OH Prep + Snatch CP + Snatch Battery + MU/HSPU capacity + Accessory
Over Head Prep Routine-
Lacrosse ball on Pec 2 min/side
Lacrosse ball on lat and under armpit 2 min/side
A. 3 Snatch Push Press + Hang Snatch from Below Knee + Snatch, build to tough complex in 12 min
- 160
B. Power Snatch, 4 x 10 tough reps, rest 3 min
- 95, 115, 135, 145
10 min EMOM
1st- 3 Muscle Ups
2nd- 5 Strict Deficit HSPU’s **deficit as able- prefer unbroken over adding depth
 - no deficit, 4, 5, 5, 3, 2
3 rounds not for time:
5 KB Arm Bar/arm 53# - had to use 35#
5 Inverted to Hang on Rings w/ false grip as controlled as possible
10 Banded Fase Pulls

Tuesday- Aerobic Warm Up + LE Intervals IWT
10 min Aerobic General Warm Up
10-15 min Specific movement warm up
3 sets @ 97% - 1:03, 1:02, 1:01
8 TnG Power Cleans @ 185#
Row 200m
rest 5 min b/w sets
3 sets @ 97% - 18, 15, 17
8 TnG Power Snatch @ 115#
Air Bike 60 sec
rest 5 min b/w sets
10 min Aerobic Cyclical Cool Down of choice

Wednesday- CP Squat/Press + MAP Low Vol Low %
A1. Back Squat w/ Chains- 4 x 5 reps, rest 60 sec - 275, 295, 300, 300
A2. Incline Bench Press @ 20X1, 4 x 5 reps, rest 2 min -135, 155, 175, 185
10 min @ 70-80% - 4 + row + 7
Row 250m
15 Wall Ball
7 CTB Pull Ups
rest 5 min
10 min @ 70-80% - 4
Run 200m
12 KB Swings, 70#
10 Kipping HSPU’s

Thursday, November 12, 2015

W6- Testing
Friday- Was feeling a little under the weather so i just lightly rowed/biked and stretch
10 min Aerobic Warm Up
5-10 min threshold warm up building to game pace
10 min Max Calories on the Assault Bike
Crossover Symmetry Recovery Protocol


Sunday- off/Mobility
60 min mobility

A. Clean & Jerk- 3 min clock for 1RM - 265, tried 285 twice, bars flying up. but not comfortable getting my head through and shoulder is still feeling a little tender pressing on the bar
no rest
B. Clean & Jerk- 5 min clock for 5RM TnG **only rule is no pause on ground. - 205
2 separate scores:
60 sec Max Calories on Assault Bike - 20 Cal
rest exactly 60 sec
15-12-9 - 5:29
Thrusters, 115/75#
Burpee Box Jump Overs
10 min Bike EN1→ EN2 recovery

Tuesday- Static Holds + UB Tester + Threshold Training on Rower + Core (optional Run or Gymnastics)
1 x AMRAP Unbroken Muscle Ups - 13 PR
1 x AMRAP Strict Unbroken HSPU’s - 10 PR tie
For time: 24:34
75 Calorie Air Bike
2000m Row
1 mile Run
45 min locomotion/mobility

A. Front Squat, build to 1RM in 10 min - 365 PR
“Nate” - 15 Rounds even
20 min AMRAP
2 Muscle Ups
4 HSPU’s
8 KB Swings, 70/53#
A1. Hollow Rock, 4 x 45 sec, rest 30 sec - First set went good. Had to take breaks the rest of the way
A2. Arch Body Rock, 4 x 45 sec, rest 30 sec - Held 45 seconds every time.

2 Days before: started feeling slightly under the weather. Little bit of a cough and some congestion. Started taking some Zyrtec, and extra vitamin C, got to the point where it was tolerable, didn't feel like it affected me when i was working out. Might have just been a little extra stress. I also went to a PT about my shoulder and he believed the issue to some tightness in my pec minor. So we did some tissue work and he gave me some other stuff to do. I left his office, went to the gym and was able to do a strict HSPU almost pain free for the first time in a while. So i was feeling pretty good at this point.

The day before: I thought a lot about to competition on the ride down. Mainly trying to remind myself that this is what i wanted, a chance to run with the big boys and see how I stacked up. I kept telling myself to just go have fun and enjoy the experience. I was also reminding myself that I was a Regional top 200 competitor and that I would do fine.  I got in later than I wanted to. I just didn't have someone to take my last class for me. I got into Lafayette around 9-9:30, got in bed around 10:30, asleep by had to get up at 5:45 to shower, eat, and get there to register. So sleep wasn't great. Did not wake up feeling ready go.

First event: For time, 8 Minute Cap
60 Double Unders
30 Back Squats, 155
40 Doubles
20 Front Squats
20 Doubles
10 OHS
I was feeling good by the time i warmed up and we got ready to take the floor. Then I got a hard look at some of the guys I would be going against. It became very apparent to me very quickly that this was not the JAAL. Everyone in my heat was extremely impressive looking and felt a little out of my league. But that is what I want. This was the kind of competition that i wanted to see.
3.2.1 go. Doubles are fine knock out 60 and i get to bar near the front of the pack. I do the 30 BS unbroken and go back to the rope. I finish the 40 unbroken and got back to the bar. Lost a little bit of ground on the squat but I'm still ok. My plan was to go 12-8 on the FS. I do the 12 and thats when the bear jumped on me. I did the last 8 in 2 sets of 4. I got back to the rope and i can barely jump. It took me 4 Sets to finish the last 20. Ive fallen back but I'm still right there with a few people. I figure ok my legs are shot but its nothing i haven't felt before. I felt like a had the stones to go unbroken on the OHS and finish. Well, bar gets over my head and i feel like I've never done an OHS before. Did 4, then 2, then 2, then 1. then failed the last rep twice. Im the only guy in heat that didn't finish.

Second Event: 8 Minute AMRAP
50 Cal Row
30 WB
10 MU
I had long talk with myself about going to get some redemption on this workout. I know i would be behind on the row but after watching the heats before i knew that if i went unbroken on the wall balls and muscle ups like i did in practice, I would be in decent shape. I came out rowing high 1200 to high  1100. Last off the rower like i thought i would be, did the wall balls unbroken, no problem. muscle ups, sight problem.  You saw them. I felt winded, when i get winded its hard for me to maintain technique and get the power to pull over the rings. You saw the video guess. you can tell the rest.

Third Event: 3 Rounds for time
6 clean and jerks, 185
18 BF Burpees
Shoulder started getting a little tight at this point and I knew if i tried to string reps together on the CJ my heart rate would get really elevated and the burpees would suffer. So the plan was to single the CJ and be aggressive on the burpees. I first 6 single were quick and i went to work on the burpees. Found a pace that felt was aggressive but maintain able and held it. Second round, same story. Last round, I felt like i could push the last set of burpees. Ive always been a kicker and thats what I did. Last 18 burpees were by far the fastest. So got to end on a good note. beat 1 or 2 in that heat, so that made me feel a little better, not much but some.

So, overall it was a great event. It was exactly what I wanted, just wish the results had been better. I really tried to sit and think about why i felt so bad about it. This is what i came up with. Ive never been an "individual athlete" Ive always been a team guy. So I was just embarrassed because I felt like i had let the gym and my gym family down, silly thinking back on it now but thats how I felt at the time. We had a lot of members who made the trip who had never seen me compete before so they got to see me get my butt handed to me, and that sucked. It made it hard to face them for some reason. Lastly, of course, like you said i felt like i put some hard effort into getting ready for this thing and it always sucks when it doesn't turn out the way you would like. Now after the dust has settled, i feel ok, just taking it for what it is. It did give me a better perspective on how good some of these guys are and its given me some motivation to to try to "go there" more often. even when i don't have anyone to train with.  Not sure if this is exactly what you wanted but it feels good to get this off my chest.