Friday- Aer/OH warm up + Shoulder to OH + Clean + Oly/Gym EMOM Varied + OH Stability/Acces
Over Head Prep Routine-
Lacrosse ball on Pec 2 min/side
Lacrosse ball on lat and under armpit 2 min/side
Banded External Rotation
Crossover Symmetry activation
2 x 10 Controlled Articular Rotations/arm- https://youtu.be/HiCnRk1_z5Q
8-10 min building from Z1-Z3 (HR should get above 150ish)
5-10 min joint and mobility prep (think ankles and hips for squatting and overhead positions)
5-10 min Movement/Workout Prep
0:00-8:00 - Through the set of 15 + 12 OHS
3 Overhead Squats, 115/75#
3 CTB Pull-Ups
6 Overhead Squats, 115/75#
6 CTB Pull-Ups
**continue ascending as high as possible by 3’s
8:00-9:00- load bar for Bear Complex
Bear Complex 1RM - 250
Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk + Back Squat + Jerk= 1
15:00-16:00- set for Clean/HSPU’s
3 Cleans, 225/135# - 6 + 6 cleans
3 HSPU’s **open standards
6 Cleans
6 HSPU’s
9 Cleans
9 HSPU’s
**continue ascending as high as possible by 3’s
22:00-23:00- set for last piece - 2 + DU + 3 WB
75 Double Unders
40 Wallball, 20#/14#
7 Muscle Ups
Saturday- Threshold Mixed
10 min Aerobic warm up
1-2-3-4-5 Unbroken Strict HSPU ladder for time:
7 min AMRAP @ 85% - 2 + DU + 2 Snatch
55 Double Unders
7 Bar Muscle Ups
7 Power Snatch, 115#
rest 30 sec
90 sec AMRAP Snatch @ 205# - 0
rest 3 min
7 min AMRAP @ 85% - 3 + DU
55 Double Unders
10 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”
rest 30 sec
90 sec AMRAP Snatch @ 205# - 2
rest 3 min
7 min AMRAP @ 85% - 3
Row 20 Cals
10 Shoulder to OH, 155#
rest 30 sec
90 sec AMRAP Clean & Jerk @ 225# - 2
Monday- OH Prep + FSq/Press Chains + Mixed Aerobic
Crossover Symmetry activation
2 x 10 Shoulder CAR’s
3 rounds not for time: Complete
10 Toes to Bar
4 Muscle Ups
5 Unbroken Strict HSPU’s
A1. High Bar Back Squat, 4 x 3, rest 30 sec **90% effort - 365
A2. Muscle Ups, 4 x 5-8 Unbroken, rest 3 min - 8,8,8,8
3 sets - 9:10, 9:05, 8:58
Row 500m @ 2:02/500m
12 HSPU’s **Open standards
rest 30 sec
Row 500m @ 2:02/500m
12 Double KB Front Squats, 53#/H
rest 30 sec
Row 500m @ 2:02/500m
18 Wallball, 20#
rest 3 min
Tuesday- Aerobic Warm Up + LE Intervals IWT
10 min Aerobic General Warm Up
10-15 min Specific movement warm up
20 sec Bike @ 100%- 13, 11, 10
rest 1:40
40 sec Row @ 100%- 20, 22, 20
rest 2:20
4 min AMRAP @ 85% - 1+DL (rope broke), 2 + 33DU, 2 + 29DU
75 Double Unders
7 CTB Pull Ups
7 Deadlifts, 155#
7 Ring Dips
rest 4 min
x 3 sets of all above
10 min Aerobic Cyclical Cool Down of choice
5 min AMRAP - 4
1-2-3-4 Unbroken HSPU Ladder **do 1 and drop, 2 and drop, 3 and drop, 4 and drop then start back at 1
Wednesday- CP Squat/Press Int + Tester + Z2-3 Row
A1. Thruster- 3 x 5 reps, rest 60 sec 185-205# - 185, 195, 195
A2. CTB Pull Ups, 3 x 10 reps, rest 2 min **focus on speed- Complete
21 min EMOM - Complete
1st- 7 Toes to Bar + Bike remaining time
2nd- 8 Burpees to 8” target + Bike remaining time
3rd- 25 Double Unders + Bike remaining time:
6 min EMOM- Complete
3 Strict HSPU’s- add deficit if possible
Row 40 sec @ -2 sec pace from last week
Rest 20 sec
x 10