Friday, May 1, 2015

W4 Off-season
Friday- Press CP/Pull Vol + Oly Density + Tri’s/Core
A1. Behind Neck Press @ 30X3, 6-8 reps x 3, rest 30 sec 

95x6, 95x6, 95x6
A2. Wtd Strict CTB Pull Ups @ 22X1, 5-7 reps x 3, rest 2 min *pause 2 sec at chest

18x4, 10x4, 10x4
B. Power Snatch, build to 4RM TnG

C. Power Snatch, 1/min x 8 min @ 4RM weight

D1. Standing OH Tricep Extensions @ 30X1, 12-15 reps x 3, rest 30 sec

65x12, 65x12, 65x12
D2. Hollow Rock, 45 sec unbroken x 5, rest 30-45 sec
45, 45, 45, 25-15, 25-15

Saturday- Long Aerobic
30 min @ low effort
Row 1 mile Buy-In - 6:16
Row 500m
20 KB Swings, 53#
15 Push Ups
10 Box Jump Overs, 30"

- 3 Rounds + Row + 14 KBS

rest 10 min
30 min @ low effort
Row 1 mile Buy-In - 6:40
Row 500m
20 KB Swings, 53#
15 Push Ups
10 Box Jump Overs, 30"
- 4 + 40m

Sunday- off

Monday- Oly Power + Jumping + Stage Squats + UB EMOM
A. Granny Toss, 1/min for 10 min, max hip extension *20-30# Ball

B. Power Snatch, build to 1RM, *after each rep do 1 Kneeling jump

-215 PR, kneeling jumps were fun. Haven't done those in a long time.
C. Power Clean, build to 1RM

-285 PR. Was also my squat clean PR this time last year.
D. Back Squat @ 92.5-95%, 1 rep x 3, rest 2 min

- 390, 395, 400
E. Back Squat @ 85%, max reps x 3, rest 2 min

- 355 x 4,4,3
30 Wall Facing HSPU’s for time: 4:33, pretty sure that a 4 minute and 33 second PR

Tuesday- Aerobic Intervals w/ Core
Run 400m @ 85% aerobic - 1:24, 1:21, 1:24, 1:24, 1:22
5 Toes to Bar
10-15 sec L-sit Hang
30 sec Front Plank
rest 2 min
x 5
Row 500m @ 1:47/500m - 1:47.3, 1:47.4, 1:47.9, 1:48.0, 1:45.3
rest 2 min
x 5
***last row at 95+% effort

Wednesday- Squat Low Vol + UB Gym CP + Grinder
A. Front Squat @ 10X1, build to 3RM

- 315x3, 330x2, 325x2
B1. Strict Deficit HSPU’s, 5 @ tough deficit x 5, rest 30 sec 

- all 5 unbroken each set, high temp 45+15 about 6.5" which is what I tried the first week of the cycle and had a lot of trouble with it. So we're getting better at those.
B2. Ice Cream Makers as slow as possible, 3-5 reps x 5, rest 2 min *try to keep body as tight and hollow as possible

- Completed
7 rounds for time: 11:49
3 Thrusters, 205#
3 Wtd Pull Ups, 53# 

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