Friday- FSQ + Oly Int + BSQ + CP Tester
A. Front Squat, 3 x 5 reps, rest 2-3 min *start @ 80% and build as needed
-285 x 5, 295 x 5, 305 x 4B. Power Snatch + Snatch, build to a tough set, drop from the top <12 min
- 195, felt sluggish after the FS but then I looked at a video and my timing is just off alsoC. Below Knee Hang Clean w/ 3 sec pause at hang position, build to tough single <12 min
- 265, felt pretty good with this, I'm really hitting my stride with the clean. Pulling real hard and getting under the bar fastD. Back Squat @ 40X1, 3 x 5 reps, rest 2-3 min *start @ 80% and build as needed
-350 x 5, 350 x 4, 350 x 3. ok this was really bad, especially with the tempo
Dead Lift @ 315#
HSPU @ 10” deficit
- 4:54
Saturday- UB Gym Strength + Long EMOM w/ Z1
A1. Ring Dips (53#) , 5 x AMRAP Unbroken, rest 30 sec
- 9,8,7A2. Uneven Towel Pull Ups, 5 x 5/side, rest 90 sec
- Complete
30 min EMOM
1st- 1 Bar MU + 3 CTB + 3 Toes to Bar + Air Bike @ 70% in remaining time:
2nd- 5 Ring Push Ups + 5 Clapping Push Ups + Air Bike @ 70% in remaining time:
3rd- 5 Push Press @ 135# + Air Bike @ 70% in remaining time:
- Complete
Monday- Strict HSPU touch + BSQ w/ chains + Oly Battery + Cyclical MAP
A. Strict Deficit HSPU’s, 1/30 sec for 11 min **add 10# wt vest
B. Back Squat @ 70% + 60-80# of chains, 2/min for 10 min **fast down and up
- 305+60# chains, Felt good, slowed a little toward the end +
16 min EMOM,
1st- 3 TnG Power Snatch, 165#
2nd- 3 TnG Power Clean 205#
- Completed+
Row 2 min @ 1:54/500m
Air Bike 30 sec @ 90%
rest 90 sec rest
x 4
- Completed
Tuesday- UB CP + UB EMOM w/ Z1 + MAP Run
A1. Barbell Push Press @ 30X3, 4 x 4-6 reps, rest 30 sec
- 205x4, 205x4, 205x4, 205x4A2. L-Sit Rope Climb + Legless Rope Climb, 4 x 1.1, rest 90 sec
16 min EMOM, So last week, this was a total disaster, the 225 real heavy and i started failing in the 3rd set. So iI started modest today, and tried something I thought I could finish. i was gonna ask you about it but I wasnt sure if you were back or not.
1st- 4 Muscle Ups + Row @ 2:10/500m remaining time:
2nd- 5 CG Bench Press @ 185# + Jump Rope, could have gone heavier here but like I said I got buried last week so
Run 400m @ 1:30ish, rest 1:45 x 4
Wednesday- Single Leg Vol + MAP 3/3’s
For time:
40 Pistols alt, unweighted
30 Pistols alt, 35#
20 Pistols alt, 53#
10 Pistols alt, 70#
3 min @ high consistent effort - 5, 5
7 Ring Push Ups
7 KB Swings, 88#
rest 3 min
3 min @ high consistent effort - 4+7, 3+7+100ft
50’ Shuttle Run down & back twice (200’)
7 Toes to Bar
rest 3 min
3 min @ high consistent effort - 3, 3+4
7 Hang Power Snatch, 95#
7 Bar-Facing Burpees
3 min rest
3 min @ high consistent effort - 14, 15
Burpee Bar Muscle Ups
rest 6 min and repeat
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Week After Fight to the Finish
Fight till you’re finished
Monday- Ok so this day was a disaster. Schedules got switched around as far as who was keeping the baby. So, i tried working out in the garage at 4PM. Was able to do the back squats but couldnt even keep a grip on the bar for the snatches and cleans.
Strict HSPU touch + BSQ w/ chains + Oly Battery + Cyclical MAP
A. Strict Deficit HSPU’s, 1/30 sec for 10 min **add 10# wt vest
B. Back Squat @ 65% + 60-80# of chains, 2/min for 10 min **fast down and up
8 sets
2 TnG Power Snatch @ 175#
rest 5 sec
5 TnG Power Cleans, 175#
rest as little as possible
Row 2 min @ 1:55/500m
Air Bike 30 sec @ 90%
rest 90 sec rest
x 4
Tuesday- UB CP + UB EMOM w/ Z1 + MAP Run
A1. Barbell Push Press @ 30X3, 4 x 6-8 reps, rest 30 sec
-185 x 6 all the way through
A2. L-Sit Rope Climb, 4 x 1 reps, rest 90 sec
16 min EMOM
1st- 4 Unbroken Muscle Ups + Row @ 2:10/500m remaining time:
2nd- 5 CG Bench Press @ 225# + Jump Rope
Run 400m @ 1:30ish, rest 2 min x 4
1:30, 1:26, 1:26, 1:28
Wednesday- Single Leg Vol + MAP 3/3’s
A. Russian Step Ups, 21-15-9/leg, 45#/hand for time:
3 min @ high consistent effort - 3+6, 3+8
5 Ring Dips
10 Alt DB Snatch, 70#
rest 3 min
3 min @ high consistent effort - 3+12, 3
7 Toes to Bar
42 Double Unders
rest 3 min
3 min @ high consistent effort - 3, 3
7 Hang Clean to OH, 95#
7 Bar-Facing Burpees
3 min rest
3 min @ high consistent effort - 2+13, 3
7 GH Sit Ups
7 Box Jumps, 40”
rest 6 min and repeat
Fight till you’re finished
Monday- Ok so this day was a disaster. Schedules got switched around as far as who was keeping the baby. So, i tried working out in the garage at 4PM. Was able to do the back squats but couldnt even keep a grip on the bar for the snatches and cleans.
Strict HSPU touch + BSQ w/ chains + Oly Battery + Cyclical MAP
A. Strict Deficit HSPU’s, 1/30 sec for 10 min **add 10# wt vest
B. Back Squat @ 65% + 60-80# of chains, 2/min for 10 min **fast down and up
8 sets
2 TnG Power Snatch @ 175#
rest 5 sec
5 TnG Power Cleans, 175#
rest as little as possible
Row 2 min @ 1:55/500m
Air Bike 30 sec @ 90%
rest 90 sec rest
x 4
Tuesday- UB CP + UB EMOM w/ Z1 + MAP Run
A1. Barbell Push Press @ 30X3, 4 x 6-8 reps, rest 30 sec
-185 x 6 all the way through
A2. L-Sit Rope Climb, 4 x 1 reps, rest 90 sec
16 min EMOM
1st- 4 Unbroken Muscle Ups + Row @ 2:10/500m remaining time:
2nd- 5 CG Bench Press @ 225# + Jump Rope
Run 400m @ 1:30ish, rest 2 min x 4
1:30, 1:26, 1:26, 1:28
Wednesday- Single Leg Vol + MAP 3/3’s
A. Russian Step Ups, 21-15-9/leg, 45#/hand for time:
3 min @ high consistent effort - 3+6, 3+8
5 Ring Dips
10 Alt DB Snatch, 70#
rest 3 min
3 min @ high consistent effort - 3+12, 3
7 Toes to Bar
42 Double Unders
rest 3 min
3 min @ high consistent effort - 3, 3
7 Hang Clean to OH, 95#
7 Bar-Facing Burpees
3 min rest
3 min @ high consistent effort - 2+13, 3
7 GH Sit Ups
7 Box Jumps, 40”
rest 6 min and repeat
Monday, July 13, 2015
Clinton Taper
A. Power Snatch, build to 1RM
B. Power Clean, build to 1RM
C. Front Squats w/ Chains, build to 1RM
D. GH Raises @ 20X0, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 2 min
Air Dyne 10 min @ Z1
Run 800m x 3, rest 4 min
**record HR and times
3 sets for individual times:
7 HSPU’s, 5” deficit
7 DL @ 275
7 Burpee Over Bar
1 Legless Rope Climb
2 Rope Climbs
1:52rest 4 min b/w sets
Sunday- off
A. Clean Ladder on the minute, 215, 235, 255, rest 3 min x 3
B. Back Squat @ 22X1, build to 3RM
-345C. 2 TnG Squat Clean Thrusters @ 165/min for 7 min
3 sets @ high effort
20 Wall Ball, 20#
40 Double Unders
20’ 1Arm OH Lunges, 70#
1:36rest 2 min b/w sets
Row 4 min @ 2:00/500m
rest 30 sec
x 3
2 sets @ high effort
15 Unbroken Toes to Bar
rest 5 sec
10 Unbroken Toes to Bar
rest 5 sec
25 Box Jump, 24”
rest 3 min
Row 1000m @ 97%
A. Clean, on the min, build to 275
B. Sled Push w/ 180# on top, 10 sec MAX EFFORT/min for 6 min
3 sets @ high effort
1 Squat Clean Thruster, 185#
3 Muscle Ups
5 HSPU’s
rest 3 min b/w sets
Row 1000m @ 2k goal pace
rest 60 sec
Row 1000m @ 2k goal pace
A. Power Snatch, build to 1RM
B. Power Clean, build to 1RM
C. Front Squats w/ Chains, build to 1RM
D. GH Raises @ 20X0, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 2 min
Air Dyne 10 min @ Z1
Run 800m x 3, rest 4 min
**record HR and times
3 sets for individual times:
7 HSPU’s, 5” deficit
7 DL @ 275
7 Burpee Over Bar
1 Legless Rope Climb
2 Rope Climbs
1:52rest 4 min b/w sets
Sunday- off
A. Clean Ladder on the minute, 215, 235, 255, rest 3 min x 3
B. Back Squat @ 22X1, build to 3RM
-345C. 2 TnG Squat Clean Thrusters @ 165/min for 7 min
3 sets @ high effort
20 Wall Ball, 20#
40 Double Unders
20’ 1Arm OH Lunges, 70#
1:36rest 2 min b/w sets
Row 4 min @ 2:00/500m
rest 30 sec
x 3
2 sets @ high effort
15 Unbroken Toes to Bar
rest 5 sec
10 Unbroken Toes to Bar
rest 5 sec
25 Box Jump, 24”
rest 3 min
Row 1000m @ 97%
A. Clean, on the min, build to 275
B. Sled Push w/ 180# on top, 10 sec MAX EFFORT/min for 6 min
3 sets @ high effort
1 Squat Clean Thruster, 185#
3 Muscle Ups
5 HSPU’s
rest 3 min b/w sets
Row 1000m @ 2k goal pace
rest 60 sec
Row 1000m @ 2k goal pace
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Baby Week 4
A. Power Snatch x 1/min *start @ 55% and add 5%/min. if you hit every lift, continue off the clock for a max
B. Power Clean x 1/min *start @ 55% and add 5%/min. if you hit every lift, continue off the clock for a max
C. Front Squats w/ Chains, build to 1RM
D. GH Raises @ 20X0, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 2 min
This was the day I did that beast of a team workout. So I got to move some heavy weight around for a lot of reps and a lot of strict gymnastics.+
Air Dyne 10 min @ Z1
Run 600m x 4, rest 3 min
2:13**record HR and times
A1. Wall Facing HSPU’s @ 30X1, 4-6 reps x 5, RAN
6,6,6,4,5A2. L-Sit Pull Ups, AMRAP Unbroken x 5, RAN
Sunday- off
A. Snatch Pull from 2” deficit, 1/30 sec @ 100% x 12 reps
245B. Back Squat @ 22X1, build to 5RM
380 5 rep PRC1. Seated DB Press @ 30X3, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 1 min
8,8,8,7,7C2. Tuck Front Lever Pull Ups @ 20X1, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 1 min
Row 4 min @ 2:01/500m
rest 30 sec
x 3
rest 2 min
x 2
A. Clean + 2 Jerks, build to max
Worked up to 295 for a couple reps to get ready for next weekB. Power Clean @ 245#, 20 reps for time:
6:02C. Wtd Back Extensions, 15 reps x 4, rest 1-2 min
D. 30 muscle ups for time:
5:40 PR i think +
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A. Power Snatch x 1/min *start @ 55% and add 5%/min. if you hit every lift, continue off the clock for a max
B. Power Clean x 1/min *start @ 55% and add 5%/min. if you hit every lift, continue off the clock for a max
C. Front Squats w/ Chains, build to 1RM
D. GH Raises @ 20X0, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 2 min
This was the day I did that beast of a team workout. So I got to move some heavy weight around for a lot of reps and a lot of strict gymnastics.+
Air Dyne 10 min @ Z1
Run 600m x 4, rest 3 min
2:13**record HR and times
A1. Wall Facing HSPU’s @ 30X1, 4-6 reps x 5, RAN
6,6,6,4,5A2. L-Sit Pull Ups, AMRAP Unbroken x 5, RAN
Sunday- off
A. Snatch Pull from 2” deficit, 1/30 sec @ 100% x 12 reps
245B. Back Squat @ 22X1, build to 5RM
380 5 rep PRC1. Seated DB Press @ 30X3, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 1 min
8,8,8,7,7C2. Tuck Front Lever Pull Ups @ 20X1, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 1 min
Row 4 min @ 2:01/500m
rest 30 sec
x 3
rest 2 min
x 2
A. Clean + 2 Jerks, build to max
Worked up to 295 for a couple reps to get ready for next weekB. Power Clean @ 245#, 20 reps for time:
6:02C. Wtd Back Extensions, 15 reps x 4, rest 1-2 min
D. 30 muscle ups for time:
5:40 PR i think +
Crossover Symmetry recovery
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