Saturday, August 29, 2015

W3 of 6 for P- 
Friday- Sq Int + Bending/Press Density + CP Battery Tester
A. Front Squat @ 13X1, 4 x 3 reps, rest 2 min
- 295, 305, 315, 325+
14 min EMOM
1st- 4 TnG Power Cleans 225# + 6 Banded Russian KB Swings, 70#
- I dont know what it was, but this EMOM got me bad, could only stay unbroken about half way through on the cleans. by the end my low back was just fried.2nd- AMRAP Strict HSPU’s 6” into AMRAP Kipping @ 6”
For timE: 5:42
3 rounds
7 Dead Lifts, 345#
7 Ring Muscle Ups
- unbroken the first round, i wanted to try to push this one and see how i did. second round wasn't good, went 4-3 on the DL. and 3-2-1-1. The second round went 4-3 on the DL, then 3-2-2. Kinda bummed out/concerned about it+
10 min Row @ 2:08/500m
Saturday- LP Intervals + MAP Low %
Air Bike- 20 sec Max Effort, rest 2:40 x 5
15 min @ 70%
Row 500m
5 Strict CTB
10 CTB
15 Double KB Thrusters, 35#/H
rest 5 min
15 min @ 70%
Air Bike 15 Cal
50’ Front Rack Axle Bar Lunges, 135#
15 Ring Push Ups
10 Push Ups

Monday- Snatch Int + Cl Int + Speed Squat + UB EMOM + MAP Bike
A. Hang Snatch, 1 set/90 sec for 10 sets, building **pause 3 sec at knee cap on way up, then finish pull, then back down for hang w/ no pause
B. High Hang Clean, 1 set/90 sec for 10 sets, building
C. Pause FSQ w/ Chains, 2/min for 10 min *1 sec pause in bottom, @ 75% + chains
“JT” - DNF, got through the set of 21 and had nothing left in the push ups, feel like Im going backwards with these sometimes. I feel a little unstable on the lowering so i have to drop slow and it just burns me out. 
Strict HSPU’s
Ring Dips
Push Ups
rest 5 min
7 L-Sit Rope Climbs for time: 5:42
(can be done in separate session)
Air Bike- 4 min @ 250 Watts, rest 30 sec x 3
- Complete

Tuesday- CF Tester + Aerobic/Positions
For time: 14:17
Run 800m
20 Front Squats, 135#
40 Wall Ball, 30#
60 Air Squats
80 Box Jumps, 24"
20 min @ Z1 - 3 Rounds
100’ OH Axle Bar Carry, 185#
50’ Farmer’s Carry, 115# barbell each hand
45 sec FLR on Rings
10 Cal Air Bike

Wednesday- Snatch St + Snatch St + SL/Press EMOM + MAP Run
A. Snatch Pull from 2” Deficit, 3, 3, 2, 2, building, rest 2 min
- 205, 225, 235, 250
B. 1 Snatch Push Press + 1 OHS, 4 sets, rest 2 min, building
185, 205, 225, 245
16 min EMOM
1st- Power Clean + 2 steps Front Rack Lunges, 245#
2nd- 3 Strict Press + 5 Deficit Kipping HSPU, 3”- start @ 115# and build on Press
(can be done later)
Run 400m, rest 30 sec x 6 **all 
1:27, 1:27, 1:28, 1:27, 1:31, 1:27
legs felt very heavy from monday, felt good aerobically, legs were just tired

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