Thursday, September 22, 2016

Test Week

A. Snatch, build to 1RM
- 245, was under 255 & 260. Some serious progress being made here
B. Snatch @ 70%- 30 reps for time:
- 6:44
Rest as needed
C. 30 Muscle Ups for time:
- 4:25, big PR by 51 sec I think
D. Pistols- 40 sec R leg, rest 40 sec, 40 sec L leg
- R- 15, L- 14. Had trouble holding the opposite leg up, cramping in the opposite quad

Friday - Not bad considering busy schedule and raising a vey busy baby. Good day last couple days
A. Front Squat @ 20X1, build to 1RM
- 355 PR tie
B. Front Squat @ 20X1 @ 85%, 1 x max unbroken at tempo
- 4 reps at 300, pretty sure thats exactly what i got last time I did this
10 rounds for time: 5 Rounds in 4:04, 8:32 total
4 Burpees
6 KB Swings, 70#
8 Wallball, 20#

A. Press- build to 1RM
- 165
B. Strict HSPU’s- 50 reps for time: 10:15
Row 3 x 10 sec max effort, rest 2 min
*record max pace achieved
Row 1000m, increase every 250m, last 250m should be at goal 2k pace
Rest 3-4 min
Row 2k for time:
**record avg pace/500m
Total time
Peak HR at the end if possible

A. Squat Clean, build to 1RM
- 330 PR
B. Squat Clean @ 90%, max reps in 5 min
- 5 Reps, 8 Attempts, felt good, just let a few get too far out in front
C. CG Bench Press (16”) @ 20X1, build to 1RM
D. Wtd Ring Dip- 1RM
- 135
E. Ring Dips Strict- Max Unbroken
- 31

A. Wtd Pull-Up, build to 1RM
- 135, 2# PR
B. Strict Pull-Ups- 1 x max unbroken
- 21
C. Back Squat, build to 1RM
- 405
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts
55 wall-ball shots
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups
**open standards
1 Round + 7 DL, I told you wrong, its only a 5 Rep PR but I felt so much better going into the HSPU.
I feel like I'm going into this time of year with a better aerobic engine than i had even durning the open

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Thursday- Cl&J Complex + Drop Sets repeatability + SL CP + OH Stability
A. Build to 3RM OHS from the ground
- 240
B. Build to 3RM Front Squat from the Ground
****If you can test these w/ partner, just do that
5 Rope Climbs
25 Thrusters, 135#
Rest 10 min
30 Toes to Bar
20 Front Squats, 135#
Rest 3 min
30 Toes to Bar
20 Shoulder to OH, 135#

Friday- Triphasic Pressing + Push/Pull Density + Threshold Bike + Double Unders
A. Push Press, build to 1RM
- 220
B.Strict HSPU, build to max deficit
- 14"
C. Strict HSPU @ 50% deficit from B, 1 x max reps
- 4 reps at 7"
3 sets - Completed
Row 500m
15 Bar-Facing Burpees
200m Run w/ 45# plate
Rest 3 min

Saturday- Barbell Cycling Skill + Mixed Aerobic Work
A. Hang Power Snatch, build to 5RM TnG fast **no holding the bar overhead or in the hips
B. Hang Power Snatch @ 115, 3 x 10 unbroken, rest as needed
3 sets @ high consistent effort, goal is same pace every round
Bike 30 Cals
12 Double KB Russian Swings, 53#/H
15 CTB Pull Ups
20 Box Jump Overs, 24”
Rest 3 min b/w sets


Monday- Snatch w/ Stability + Snatch Consistency + Snatch Pulls + FSq/TripPress + EMOM
A. Squat Clean & Jerk, build to about 90% for a single
B. OHS or FSQ build to your 3 rep 
opener for the weekend
- 250 with the BK jerk 
C. Power Snatch, build to a tough double, not TnG
- 200, almost had 205 
4 sets **record time and reps for MU’s
AMRAP Unbroken Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Snatch, 115#
20 Box Jump Overs, 24”
30 Cal Row
Rest 90 sec b/w sets
- 4:56, 5:31, 5:26, 5:18

Tuesday- Row/Bike Threshold + Tester
For time:
2 rounds for time: 6:51 
2 Rope Climbs
6 Thrusters, 135#
8 Toes to Bar
10 Front Squats, 135#
8 Toes to Bar
10 Shoulder to OH, 135#
Rest 2 min b/w rounds
Rest 5 min
Row 500m @ 90% PR pace - 1:38.8
Rest 2 min
Bike 3 min Max effort- 302/39
Rest 3 min
Run 400m for time: 1:22

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Thursday- Cl&J Complex + Drop Sets repeatability + SL CP + OH Stability
A. Power Clean + Power Jerk, tough single in 12 min
- 270 PR
B. Squat Clean & Jerk, 1/30 sec w/ 75-90% of A for 7 min
- 225, only missed 1, so thats an improvement
C. Front Rack Walking Lunges, 4 x 14 steps, rest 60 sec  **sorry i left out the lunges part last 
week :/
- 165, and its ok, I forgive you
D1. Snatch Grip Yoke Carries, 5 x 20m as heavy as possible, rest as needed
went same weight, been trying to shorten the rest time
D2. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 5 x 20m as heavy as possible, rest as needed
- same as last week

Friday- Triphasic Pressing + Push/Pull Density + Threshold Bike + Double Unders
A. Push Press @ 20X1, 4 x 2, rest 2 min, did this early in the AM and felt bad sluggish
- 185, 195, 200, 200
B1. Kipping HSPU’s @ 6” Deficit, 6 x 8-12 reps, rest 60 sec
B2. L-sit Rope Climbs from seated all the way back down to seated, 6 x 1, rest 60-90 sec
2 min @ 100% MAS, rest 45 sec x 6, all at 302-315
3 x 75 Unbroken Double Unders for time: ***must be unbroken, if you trip on 38, that set starts over - Right at 5 Minutes, tripped at like 20 on the first attempt and went unbroken the rest of the way through

Saturday- Barbell Cycling Skill + Mixed Aerobic Work - Was out of town, didn't get this in
A. Power Snatch, 5 x 5 TnG, start @ 155# and build off feel but keep it smooth and consistent as far as cycle time for the 7, rest 2 min
B. Squat Clean, 1 x 10 reps TnG @ 185 or above
3 sets @ high consistent effort, goal is same pace every round
Row 500m @ 2:03/500m
15 Double KB Russian Swings, 44# each hand
18 Wallball, 20#
12 Toes to Bar
6 Muscle Ups
Rest 3 min b/w sets


Monday- Snatch w/ Stability + Snatch Consistency + Snatch Pulls + FSq/TripPress + EMOM
A. Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch, tough complex in 12 min **2 sec pause in bottom of each catch
- 195
B. Squat Snatch, 1/30 sec for 15 reps @ 75% of A
C. Snatch Pull w/ chains, 3 x 3 @ 90% of 1RM bar weight, rest 2 min **
D1. Front Squat @ 10X1, 4 x 2 reps, rest 60 sec
- 275, 295, 300, 300, I feel like doing these after all the pulling really fatigues my lower back. I feel great until I get the the very bottom which is usually where i do great. I typically get stuck half way up.
D2. 6” Deficit HSPU, 4 x 2-5 strict , rest 90 sec - 5,5,4,4
4 sets **record time and reps for MU’s - Only had the energy for 3 sets. this smoked me. not sure, just a bad day I guess
AMRAP Unbroken Muscle Ups - 11,9,8, Times were awful, 4:11, 4:20 i think, i forgot to write them down, i felt like this whole piece was a wash anyways.
25 Cal Bike
10 CTB Pull Ups
12 Box Jumps, 30”
Rest 90 sec b/w sets

Tuesday- Row/Bike Threshold + Tester
For time:
3 rounds for time: 14:31, been a while since I've done that much volume on GHD's
10 Squat cleans, 205#
30 GH Sit Ups
60 Double Unders
Rest 5 min
Row 5 min @ 90% of MAS, 2:07
Rest 2 min
Bike 5 min @ 90% of MAS, 275-288 Watts
Rest 2 min
Run 800m @ 90% of Mile time pace 1:41