Thursday- Cl&J Complex + Drop Sets repeatability + SL CP + OH Stability
A. Build to 3RM OHS from the ground
- 240
B. Build to 3RM Front Squat from the Ground
****If you can test these w/ partner, just do that
5 Rope Climbs
25 Thrusters, 135#
Rest 10 min
30 Toes to Bar
20 Front Squats, 135#
Rest 3 min
30 Toes to Bar
20 Shoulder to OH, 135#
Friday- Triphasic Pressing + Push/Pull Density + Threshold Bike + Double Unders
A. Push Press, build to 1RM
- 220
B.Strict HSPU, build to max deficit
- 14"
C. Strict HSPU @ 50% deficit from B, 1 x max reps
- 4 reps at 7"
3 sets - Completed
Row 500m
15 Bar-Facing Burpees
200m Run w/ 45# plate
Rest 3 min
Saturday- Barbell Cycling Skill + Mixed Aerobic Work
A. Hang Power Snatch, build to 5RM TnG fast **no holding the bar overhead or in the hips
B. Hang Power Snatch @ 115, 3 x 10 unbroken, rest as needed
3 sets @ high consistent effort, goal is same pace every round
Bike 30 Cals
12 Double KB Russian Swings, 53#/H
15 CTB Pull Ups
20 Box Jump Overs, 24”
Rest 3 min b/w sets
Monday- Snatch w/ Stability + Snatch Consistency + Snatch Pulls + FSq/TripPress + EMOM
A. Squat Clean & Jerk, build to about 90% for a single
B. OHS or FSQ build to your 3 rep
opener for the weekend
- 250 with the BK jerk
C. Power Snatch, build to a tough double, not TnG
- 200, almost had 205
4 sets **record time and reps for MU’s
AMRAP Unbroken Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Snatch, 115#
20 Box Jump Overs, 24”
30 Cal Row
Rest 90 sec b/w sets
- 4:56, 5:31, 5:26, 5:18
Tuesday- Row/Bike Threshold + Tester
For time:
2 rounds for time: 6:51
2 Rope Climbs
6 Thrusters, 135#
8 Toes to Bar
10 Front Squats, 135#
8 Toes to Bar
10 Shoulder to OH, 135#
Rest 2 min b/w rounds
Rest 5 min
Row 500m @ 90% PR pace - 1:38.8
Rest 2 min
Bike 3 min Max effort- 302/39
Rest 3 min
Run 400m for time: 1:22
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