Wednesday, November 30, 2016

W8 - Holidays were really busy, could only train Saturday, Monday, Tuesday
Thursday- Snatch Int + Squat Speed/GHR + Sled Sprint + RH
3 rounds not for time:
3 CAR’s each arm w/ 5# plate
3 Wall Walks
10 Supinated Grip Deadlifts, 135#
A. Snatch Pull + No Hook Grip Squat Snatch, build to tough complex
B. Back Squat w/ Bands @ 50% + Bands & light chains, 3/min for 7 minutes
C. Sled Sprint Heavy, 12 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 1:48 x 6 **add to last week
D1. Front Rack Walking Lunge, 3 x 20 steps, rest 60 sec
D2. Reverse Hyper, 3 x 25 reps, rest as needed

A. DB Incline Bench Press @ 20X2, build to 4RM
B. DB Press, 4 x 10 reps, rest 60 sec **start conservative, low rest will fatigue quick
5 sets
5 Muscle Ups
5 Toes to Rings
5 HSPU’s 3” deficit kipping
10 Toes to Bar
150m Row Sprint
Rest 3 min b/w sets
**each round should be faster than the previous

A1. Front Squat @ 40X1, 4 x 3 reps, rest 60 sec
- 295, 295, 305, 305 x 2
A2. Wtd Strict Pull-Up @ 20X2, 4 x 3 reps, rest 90 sec
- 82#
1 set Max Alt DB Snatch, 75# in 25 sec - 9
1 set Max Burpee Box Jumps, 24” in 30 sec - 8
1 set Max Cals Bike 20 sec - 10
1 set Max Double Unders in 20 sec - 40
10 min EMOM
50% of your DB Snatch # + 50% of your BBJ #
Rest 2-3 min
10 min EMOM
50% of your Bike Cals # + 50% of your DU’s #
Run 1 mile @ moderate effort
- 7:42

Monday- Cl&J Int + OH/Squat EMOM + Mixed MAP
Warm Up
3 sets not for time:
30’ Jerk Grip Yoke Carry heavy
3 Inverted to Hang as Slow As possible on rings **focus on keep hollow body as best as possible
3 Standing Triple Jumps
A. Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk, 1/60 sec for 12 reps, start @ 70% and build off feel, 2 sec pause in jerk catch
- 225#
B1. Legless Rope Climb, 3 x 2 reps, rest 60 sec **legless up and down
- complete
B2. Sumo Deadlift @ 30X1, 3 x 5 reps, rest 90 sec
- 335
2 sets, both bikes were faster than they have been. stayed above 288 in the first, and above 300 in the second
Bike 50 Cals @ 25-50W higher than last week
10 Front Squats, 95# @ 3030 tempo
Rest 2 min b/w sets
2 sets, didn't get to this, work is picking up and got busy
50’ HS Walk
Row 1000m @ 2 sec faster pace than last week
20 steps Double KB Front Walking Lunges, 53#/H
Rest 2 min b/w sets

Tuesday- Row Threshold + Sport EMOM + Shoulder Stability
8 sets - complete, 1:49.4 - 1:49.6
Row 500m @ 1:49/500m
Rest 2 min
3 rounds for time: 9:04, didn't pace it well out of the gate
5 HSPU’s 10” deficit
25 Double Unders Heavy Rope
5 Shoulder to OH, 185#
25 Double Unders
3 sets For individual times **practice different techniques to learn fastest pacing (hint: sometimes trying to move as fast is possible is slower than focusing on efficiency
15 Toes to Bar
5 Squat Cleans, 185#
10 Cal Bike
15 Wallball, 30#
Rest 4-5 min b/w sets

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