Thursday, October 15, 2015


A. 1 Strict Muscle Up + 2 Muscle ups + 2 Ring Dips, 1 complex/2 min for 6 sets
B. Strict CTB Lean Away Pull Ups @ 30X1, 4 x 4-6 reps, rest 2 min **add weight vest if possible
C. CTB Pull Ups, 4 x 10 Unbroken, rest as needed to complete unbroken
D. 3” Deficit Strict HSPU’s, 2/30 sec for 5 min
E. High Bar BSQ w/ Chains, 3/min for 10 min @ 70% + chains
Completed A-E not problems
Heavy Sled Push- 12 sec Max Effort, rest 2 min x 6
275# sled

Saturday - Was out of town so i had to do this monday, then i forgot i had to take Kennedy to the doctor on tuesday. so i had to do monday on wednesday, didn't do tuesday, and did Wednesday on thursday
Row 150m MAX EFFORT, rest 2-3 min x 4
:25.5, :26.6, :26.3 , :26.3
Row 1000m @ 2:08/500m
rest 60 sec
x 4
4:16, 4:16, 4:15, 4:16, 4:15
3 sets @ high effort consistent
15 Toes to Bar
15 Bar-Facing Burpees
:55, 1:02, 1:05
rest 60 sec


Monday- Had to do
A. OHS, build to mod/tough single in 10 min w/ 10 sec pause in bottom
B. Snatch Push Press x 2 + Snatch Balance x 3, 6 sets to a tough set, 2 min
C. Snatch- 12 singles w/ 77-87%, video and critique b/w each rep
- Complete, stayed around 185
D. Front Squat @ 11X1, build to 4RM in 12 min
255, had 275 but failed last rep
5 rounds for time: 17:55, shoulder were toast. let this one get in my head early and really had to battle the weight and myself. Positive note, i did all the muscle ups unbroken. Just rested too much on the shoulder to OH
10 Shoulder to OH, 175#
5 Muscle Ups
10 Steps Front Rack Walking Lunges, 175#
Air Bike
30 sec Hard/consistent **note avg watts and RPM
5 sec easy spin
x 4
rest 60 sec
x 3 sets
- Didn't get to this

A. Power Clean, 5 TnG/min for 10 min *start @ 60% and build as necessary. Work on speed and efficiency, not max load
B. Seated DB Z-Press @ 30X3, 4 x 8-10, rest 2 min
Row 1000m @ 2:08/500m
4 Muscle Ups
25 Double Unders
rest 60 sec
x 3
rest 3-4 min
Row 1000m @ 2:08/500m
10 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”
rest 60 sec
x 2

A. HBBSq @ 13X1 no belt, build to a tough single
- read the tempo wrong, 385
B. Low Hang Snatch (below knee), build to a tough single
- Shoulder was feeling bad, and was really pressed for time today.
3 min AMRAP - Row, Snatch, 6 Double Unders
Row 400m
20 Alt DB Snatch, 70#
30 Unbroken DU’s
20 Wall Ball, 20#
30 Unbroken DU’s
20 Burpees to 8”
30 Unbroken DU’s
rest 3 min
6 min AMRAP - 14 Burpees
Row 400m
20 Alt DB Snatch, 70#
30 Unbroken DU’s
20 Wall Ball, 20#
30 Unbroken DU’s
20 Burpees to 8”
30 Unbroken DU’s
rest 3 min
For time - 7:00
Row 400m
20 Alt DB Snatch, 70#
30 Unbroken DU’s
20 Wall Ball, 20#
30 Unbroken DU’s
20 Burpees to 8”
30 Unbroken DU’s

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