Friday, June 26, 2015

Baby Week 3
A. Power Snatch x 1/min *start @ 55% and add 5%/min.  if you hit every lift, continue off the clock for a max

- 200, failed 210
B. Power Clean x 1/min *start @ 55% and add 5%/min.  if you hit every lift, continue off the clock for a max

- 270, failed 285 then got a really bad head ache. That was weird. I got better though
C1. Front Squats w/ Chains, 2 reps x 5, rest 30 sec

- set 1 - 245, 
sets 2-3 - 255
Sets 4-5 - 265
C2. GH Raises @ 20X0, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 2 min

- all 6's
Air Dyne 10 min @ Z1

Run 600m x 4, rest 3 min
**record HR and times

A1. Wall Facing HSPU’s @ 30X1, 4-6 reps x 5, RAN

A2. L-Sit Pull Ups, AMRAP Unbroken x 5, RAN

Sunday- off

A. Snatch Pull from 2” deficit, 3 reps @ 95% x 3, rest 2 min

B. Back Squat @ 22X1, build to 6RM
C1. Seated DB Press @ 30X3, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 1 min

50's - 8, 8, 7, 7, 6
C2. Tuck Front Lever Pull Ups @ 20X1, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 1 min
8, 8, 7, 7, 7
Row 4 min @ 2:03/500m
rest 30 sec
x 3
rest 2 min
x 2

A. Clean + 3 Jerks, build to max

-245, had 255 but failed the 3rd jerk
B. Power Clean @ 225#, 20 reps for time: 4:15
C. Wtd Back Extensions, 15 reps x 4, rest 1-2 min
D. 10 min AMRAP Strict Muscle Ups

-19, 2 fails, 1 at 10 and the last one going for 20, but on the plus side I did 14 in 8 minutes last week and had 16 at 8 mintes this week
E. 1 TGU/arm/min for 10 min @ 53# 



Thursday, June 25, 2015

Baby Week 2
A. Power Snatch x 1/min *start @ 55% and add 5%/min.  if you hit every lift, continue off the clock for a max
- made it all the way through. Hit 220 for a PRB. Power Clean x 1/min *start @ 55% and add 5%/min.  if you hit every lift, continue off the clock for a max
Made it to 285C1. Front Squats w/ Chains, 2-3 reps x 5, rest 30 sec
245+ 60# Chains, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2C2. Banded GH Raises @ 20X0, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 2 min
Well you saw these, you know how they went. 6's+
Air Dyne 10 min @ Z1
Run 400m x 6, rest 2 min
1:20**record HR and times, Didnt have HR monitor 
A1. Wall Facing HSPU’s @ 30X1, 4-6 reps x 5, RAN
A2. L-Sit Pull Ups, AMRAP Unbroken x 5, RAN
^ only thing i didn't get to this week.
Sunday- off

A. Snatch Pull from 2” deficit, 5 reps @ 92.5% x 3, rest 2 min
225#, Complete, felt ok, I aways feel a little awkward on snatch pullsB. Back Squat @ 22X1, build to 8RM
320C1. Seated DB Press @ 30X3, 8-10 reps x 5, rest 1 min
50's, 8-8-8-5-4. Just died hereC2. Tuck Front Lever Pull Ups @ 20X1, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 1 min

Row 4 min @ 2:05/500m
rest 30 sec
x 3
rest 2 min 
x 2

A. Clean + Front Squat + 2 Jerks, build to max
260, had 270, just missed the 2nd JerkB. DB Snatch, 100#, 40 reps alternating for time: 
6:30C. Wtd Back Extensions, 15 reps x 4, rest 1-2 min
25#D. 8 min AMRAP Strict Muscle Ups 
14 - 3 FailsE. 10 min AMRAP Turkish Get Ups, 70#, alternating

So on Wednesday, Hunter called me out for not have my name on the Gymnastics record board enough. So i PR'd a couple things. Good Times!
60 Pistols for time - 1:24
Weighted Dip - 135#
Max Set Chest to Bar Pull Ups - 40 Reps.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday- Squat Chains/GHR + Pressing Speed + Sq/Press Grind
A. Back Squat, build to 1RM
- 435 PR
B. Back Squat @ 85%, 1 x AMRAP Unbroken
- 370 x 4
C. CG Bench Press, build to 1RM
D. CG Bench Press @ 85%, 1 x AMRAP Unbroken
- 265 x 3

Saturday- Mixed MAP Low Low Vol
90 min AMRAP
Row 1300m
200m Farmer’s Carry, 70#
15 Wall Walks
42 Double Unders
- 5 rounds even -

Sunday- off

Monday- Oly Int + Squat Int + Pressing Int + Pull/Push EMOM
A. Snatch Pulls + Power Snatch, build to a tough set -5% and -10% for a set

- 205, 195, 185
B. Halting Clean Dead Lift + Power Clean, build to tough set, -5% and -10% for a set

- 255, 245, 230
C. DB Z-Press @ 30X3, 10-12 reps x 3, rest 2 min *video one set from the back w/ shirt off

50# x 10, questionable tempo
Row 10 sec MAX WATTAGE, rest 3 min x 3

574, 595, 612
30 min Row for distance
**record pace/500m - 2:09.4
total distance - 6952
avg HR if possible

Tuesday- IWT (squatting)
Run 400m x 6
*increase speed/set
*record split times
*record peak HR for each split

1:20- 187
Came out WAY too hot. Should've been shooting more for 1:30 on the first one
100’ HS Walk for time: - :47, felt good hear was moving fast. Came down twice at about 60' and 85'.

Wednesday- Oly Int + Pulls + Access + Aerobic Core
30 Wall Facing HSPU’s for time: 3:28 PR
30 Squat Cleans, 225# for time: 6:08 PR

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Friday- Squat Chains/GHR + Pressing Speed + Sq/Press Grind
16 min EMOM
1st- 2 Front Squats @ 70% + 40-60# chains
2nd- 4-6 GH Raises @ 20X1, use band if possible
10 min EMOM
CG Bench Press @ 10X0, 3 reps @ 70% + 20-40# of chains
For time: 5:49, this sounds about right, i forgot to write it down. got a lot on my mind right now know what i mean 
Thrusters, 205#
53# Wtd Pull Ups

Saturday- Mixed MAP Low Low Vol
10 min @ 80% aerobic - 4+200m
Run 200m
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20"
21 Double Unders
3 Muscle Ups
rest 4 mn
Row 2000m @ 80% - 8:23
rest 4 min
10 min @ 80% aerobic - 4
Run 200m
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20”
21 Double Unders
3 Muscle Ups
rest 4 min
Row 2000m @ 95% - 7:49

Sunday- off

Monday- Oly Int + Squat Int + Pressing Int + Pull/Push EMOM
A. 2 Snatch Pulls + Power Snatch, build to a tough set -5% and -10% for a set
185 B. Halting Clean Dead Lift + Clean Pull + Power Clean, build to tough set, -5% and -10% for a set
245C. Incline Bench Press @ 33X1, build to 1RM, -20# for 3 x 3
16 min EMOM- Completed
1st- Row 12 Cal
2nd- 8 Hang Clean & Push Press, 55#

Tuesday- IWT (squatting)
3 sets @ high effort - 2:03 2:04, 1:58
8 TnG Squat Snatch, 135#
Run 400m
rest 2 min b/w sets
3-5 min rest
3 sets @ high effort - 25, 25, 27
16 Steps OH Walking Lunges, 135#
Air Dyne 2 min
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort - 4:28
25’ HS Walk
20 Back Extensions
15 Toes to Bar

Wednesday- Oly Int + Pulls + Access + Aerobic Core
A. Hang Snatch from Blocks just above knee cap Cluster, 1.1, build to tough set then -5% and -10% for sets
200, 190, 180B. Jerk from the Blocks, 1.1, build to a tough set, drop each from the top
275, 260 (1/2) 245 (1/2)C. Clean Pulls @ 30X1, 1/min @ 110% for 8 min **warm up good to it first 
CompleteD1. Over Head DB Tricep Extensions @ 30X1, 15 reps x 3, rest 20 sec
35'sD2. Back Extensions @ 4022 weighted, 10-12 reps x 3, rest 60 sec
5 rounds for time: Today got away from me wasn't able to get to this.
Row 500m
100’ Double KB Front Rack Carry, 70#