Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday- Squat Chains/GHR + Pressing Speed + Sq/Press Grind
A. Back Squat, build to 1RM
- 435 PR
B. Back Squat @ 85%, 1 x AMRAP Unbroken
- 370 x 4
C. CG Bench Press, build to 1RM
D. CG Bench Press @ 85%, 1 x AMRAP Unbroken
- 265 x 3

Saturday- Mixed MAP Low Low Vol
90 min AMRAP
Row 1300m
200m Farmer’s Carry, 70#
15 Wall Walks
42 Double Unders
- 5 rounds even -

Sunday- off

Monday- Oly Int + Squat Int + Pressing Int + Pull/Push EMOM
A. Snatch Pulls + Power Snatch, build to a tough set -5% and -10% for a set

- 205, 195, 185
B. Halting Clean Dead Lift + Power Clean, build to tough set, -5% and -10% for a set

- 255, 245, 230
C. DB Z-Press @ 30X3, 10-12 reps x 3, rest 2 min *video one set from the back w/ shirt off

50# x 10, questionable tempo
Row 10 sec MAX WATTAGE, rest 3 min x 3

574, 595, 612
30 min Row for distance
**record pace/500m - 2:09.4
total distance - 6952
avg HR if possible

Tuesday- IWT (squatting)
Run 400m x 6
*increase speed/set
*record split times
*record peak HR for each split

1:20- 187
Came out WAY too hot. Should've been shooting more for 1:30 on the first one
100’ HS Walk for time: - :47, felt good hear was moving fast. Came down twice at about 60' and 85'.

Wednesday- Oly Int + Pulls + Access + Aerobic Core
30 Wall Facing HSPU’s for time: 3:28 PR
30 Squat Cleans, 225# for time: 6:08 PR

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