Friday, June 26, 2015

Baby Week 3
A. Power Snatch x 1/min *start @ 55% and add 5%/min.  if you hit every lift, continue off the clock for a max

- 200, failed 210
B. Power Clean x 1/min *start @ 55% and add 5%/min.  if you hit every lift, continue off the clock for a max

- 270, failed 285 then got a really bad head ache. That was weird. I got better though
C1. Front Squats w/ Chains, 2 reps x 5, rest 30 sec

- set 1 - 245, 
sets 2-3 - 255
Sets 4-5 - 265
C2. GH Raises @ 20X0, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 2 min

- all 6's
Air Dyne 10 min @ Z1

Run 600m x 4, rest 3 min
**record HR and times

A1. Wall Facing HSPU’s @ 30X1, 4-6 reps x 5, RAN

A2. L-Sit Pull Ups, AMRAP Unbroken x 5, RAN

Sunday- off

A. Snatch Pull from 2” deficit, 3 reps @ 95% x 3, rest 2 min

B. Back Squat @ 22X1, build to 6RM
C1. Seated DB Press @ 30X3, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 1 min

50's - 8, 8, 7, 7, 6
C2. Tuck Front Lever Pull Ups @ 20X1, 6-8 reps x 5, rest 1 min
8, 8, 7, 7, 7
Row 4 min @ 2:03/500m
rest 30 sec
x 3
rest 2 min
x 2

A. Clean + 3 Jerks, build to max

-245, had 255 but failed the 3rd jerk
B. Power Clean @ 225#, 20 reps for time: 4:15
C. Wtd Back Extensions, 15 reps x 4, rest 1-2 min
D. 10 min AMRAP Strict Muscle Ups

-19, 2 fails, 1 at 10 and the last one going for 20, but on the plus side I did 14 in 8 minutes last week and had 16 at 8 mintes this week
E. 1 TGU/arm/min for 10 min @ 53# 



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