Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A. Hang Power Snatch- build to a 3RM, without letting go of bar, above the knee
B. Hang Power Clean.Split Jerk- 1.2, build to a heavy set
C. Front Squat @ 13X1- build to a heavy set of 5 (1 sec down, 3 sec pause, X up, 1 sec at top)
D. Front Rack Walking Lunges- 20 steps x 3; rest 2 min, start @ 135# and build
8 min AMRAP
3 Muscle Ups Unbroken
3 pHSPU's, 6" deficit

A. 175
B. 240
C. 245
D. 135,155, 175
7+muscle ups + 1 HSPU

The Snatch and Clean felt better from the hang than it did on Monday. Its hard for me to get rolling for a morning lift session. Im not much of a morning person. Took two attempts to hit 175. Grip failed me. On the clean i stopped at 240 because I was getting real wide on the catch. The Jerks felt fast and easy. 

Front squats were tough. I was sitting all the way at the bottom. Working on keeping an upright position. 245 was hard those last 3 reps

Front rack lunges were a challenge. Last 10 steps on the 175 were a fight. 
flet pretty good on muscle ups. My biggest issue is that sometimes my kip gets thrown off. I'll land in the dip position and I'll start swinging and I just get all out of whack. Had enough time to get 8 rounds but i got to the last set of HSPU and failed the second rep. That was the only time I broke.

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