Saturday, July 26, 2014

Friday- July 26, 2014

A.M. Row Intervals  P.M. FSQ Int + Sn Int + Cl Int + UB CP Battery
Row 2k @ 75%
rest 3 min
Row 2k @ 75%
rest 2 min
Row 1k @ 75%

A. Front Squat @ 20X1- build to a 3RM, 2RM, 1RM *we will be repeating this every week this cycle, some days will feel good, some won’t.  Don’t get caught up in the #’s each week.
B. 3-Position Snatch, build to tough set, (high hang, knee cap, 1” off floor), rest as needed b/w sets
C. Clean Cluster- 1.1.1, build to tough set
3 strict HSPU’s every 30 sec for 10 min, tough depth but consistent throughout
10 min EMOM
1st- 5 Strict CTB Pull Ups
2nd- 4 Unbroken Muscle Ups


A. 290x3 , 305x2, 335x1
B. 165, went for 185 just missed the full snatch at the end. Pull felt good. Still just trying to find my rhythm.
C. 235

Had to stop at this point. It was a rough week as far as work. Did a lot of mornings and just felt tired all day. Need more sleep and more food. So I went home early and tried to take care of both of those.

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