Monday- September 9, 2014
Sn Int Pos + Clean Int + SL/GHR/UBPress + CP Tester W/G
A. Hang Snatch.OHS- 1.1, build to tough set (hang from below knee cap)
B. Clean Cluster- 5 x 1.1, rest 3 min
C. Barbell OH Lunges, 3 x 12 steps, rest 30 sec
D. Bottoms Up KB Press @ 30X3, 3 x 4-6 reps, rest 90 sec
E. GH Raises @ 50X1, 5 x 4-6 reps, rest 90 sec
For time:
10 Snatch, 135#
10 Snatch, 155#
10 Snatch, 175#
10 Snatch, 195#
*power or full
A. 195
B. 205, 225, 245, 265 (1 for 2), 275 (0 for 2)
Started getting tired and distracted. Head just wasn't in it for those last 2 sets. And still pretty worn out form the weekend.
C. 135
D. 25#'s
E. 6 each time
Was on pace to be sub 8:30 then I failed once on the 6th rep of 195 and twice on the 10th rep
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